I am so grateful to Judge Luttig for playing the role he played prior to January 6th and the role he has continued to play since. His commentary comes from the heart of what America was in the minds of the Founding Fathers: a nation governed by laws not by men. Thank you, Neal, for giving us the opportunity to hear his reflections on yesterday's indictments.

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Thank you. You are each American heroes, and among my personal heroes too. I would understand far less, except for your expertise, insightful questions, and commentary.

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Ever in your debt, Neil. This entire ordeal has opened the door wide into the pillars holding up our democracy. The role of Judge Luttig becomes clearer and clearer and larger and larger while we are still processing what happened on January 6th ... and well into the night when we believed the ordeal has ended,

but it had not. It is reassuring to hear Judge Luttig’s thinking on the likelihood of trials taking place before the election. I would like to know his thinking on televised hearings and whether he would publish an Op/Ed and/or collaborate with like-minded public figures to appeal to the Judicial Review to relent in this case.

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I have an idea… 💡!! Please stay tuned!

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Thank you, Neal. I could listen to the Judge all day!

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Bravo!! 👏🏾👏🏾 Two national treasures! I remember meeting Judge Michael Luttig at my dear friend Ret—Judge Ann William’s Devitt Award ceremony at the Supreme Court.

She was confident you would be the nominee in the Justice Elena Kagan seat. When I listen to oral arguments, I sometimes imagine how Justice Neal Katyal would opine.

The Supreme Court missed out on three stellar jurists: Michael Luttig, Ann Claire Williams, and Neal Katyal.

Providence — such a fitting word…

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Fortunately for us, Neal has been busy doing good even though not on the SC.

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Very true! Neal embodies — “If you want something important accomplished, assign it to the busiest person.” He’s a great attorney, orator, and extemporaneous thinker with an innate ability to see around corners and forecast the mid-range and long-term impact/consequences of decisions in real time. If even a quarter of our society exercised their brains in this way, I doubt we’d be a nation divided.

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Dare I forget, Neal’s also a fan of the arts! Music, musicals, a good TV show (where he acts as himself — fangirling here), books, and live concerts. Carpe diem or in “Michele speak” — “Ride the wagon ‘til the wheels fly (not fall) off!”

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Aug 2, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

The courage you have both shown must serve as an example that any one of us, if we put our mind to it, can singly and solitarily make a difference.

These two Neal Katyal and Judge Luttig saved on of the attempted coup that was via the courts.

Talk about the dog that didn't bark!

Heroes, non-theless.

Why not use Dobbs' own reasoning, turn it on the originalist court, outlaw Marbury and have a party run on a system where the power of the Supreme Court is written in the Constitution and NOT merely tradition.

How is The Don NOT a flight risk. He's got no defense.

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I'm tempted to say, "Let him go!"

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Thank you, Neal and Judge Luttig.

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Thank you so much for this colloquy. I get so tired of watching the same issues being discussed over and over again. But you brought the eminent and extraordinary judge luttig to us to digest at out leisure.

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New subscriber here - - Thank you for this! It is most helpful and educational.

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After reading the article in the Atlantic by Judge Luttig and Laurence Tribe, can you tell me who can bring about the exclusion of allowing Trump to ever run for president as well as the others who have not accepted the outcome of the 2020 election? Thank you as always for your brilliant assessments of this horrific time in whch we live.

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